Monday, August 8, 2011

West Virginia's Largest Yard Sale

Okay, so apparently yard sales are a big deal around here! When I lived on Guam yard sales were few and far between and I rarely ever went to one unless it was within walking distance from my house. This year I decided to venture into the unknown, "West Virginia's Largest Yard Sale"! I am told that this is a yearly occurrence.  There was over 100 yard sales provided on a map of Upshur County alone. These 100 yard sale were just the ones on the map I am not talking about the ones that you past by on the way to get to the ones posted on the map. What and adventure! We ventured to get out of the vehicle for at least half a dozen yard sales. We probably drove by more than 50 yard sales that day. One thing is for certain we were on the road from 9:00 a.m. till about 4:00 p.m.  I was completely exhausted by the time I came home. I did however manage to get 3 dressers all for the price of $25.00! What a steal! I also manage to snag a beautiful black metal canopy bed head and foot board for the price of $50.00. I am so excited about my purchases. The dressers need some work. Then again I am also debating on leaving them the way they are I kind of think it adds a bit of character to the pieces. 

On top of the all the things we were able to find and the purchases we made we also adopted a kitten that day. My daughter took one look at her and fell in love. Although looking at that cute little orange ball of fluff it was very hard to say "No". I am a sucker for animals who need a good home and especially the animals I know for sure that no one will adopt! I am sure you are wondering why I think no one would adopt this cute little kitten. Well, I will tell you why. Because as cute and adorable as she is. This little kitten has no tail. She in my eyes is very special. I have a soft spot for the special ones.

I look forward to what I will find next year and "West Virginia's Largest Yard Sale"!