Thursday, May 26, 2011

From Pictures to Reality

Whenever I am outside I feel like a kid in a candy store! There are so many things to see and touch. I find myself in my own personal outdoor classroom. You see I grew up on an island, thus everything I see now is stuff I have learned about through pictures, books, magazines, and even television. I have never seen an apple grow from blossom to fully matured apple.  I have only ever seen apples in the grocery store; but this year I will be able to pick my own apples. I can just imagine what that will be like, picking my first apples. They would still be warm from the noon day sun, crunchy, juicy, and sweet. The best part is I know that there will not be any funky pesticides used on my apples. They will be completely all natural just the way God intended them to be.

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